The Sterilising Research and Advisory Council of Australia (WA) Inc. (SRACA), the professional body of Sterilising Technology practitioners, was started in 1962. SRACA (Western Australia – WA) Inc. promotes high standards of practice in the provision of sterilising and disinfection services.

As well the Council works closely with TAFE towards maintaining a comprehensive, up to date education program. SRACA also runs workshops and seminars to help keep sterilising technology practitioners fully informed on the latest developments in technology.


SRACA WA Inc. holds current Public Liability Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance to cover authorised SRACA WA Inc. voluntary activities, in compliance with the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 [Act].

Committee Role

On a Broader Stage the Committee also plays a role in the following:

You do not have to be a Committee Member to help the Committee perform these roles. Feel free to volunteer to assist in any of the above tasks. Not only will you learn new skills, but you make new friends. Contact any of the Committee Members to see how you can help.


Lee-Ann Spencer


Jodee Rudrum

Vice President

David Nash


Rosalie Berry


Sean Stuart

Trade Representative

Lavinia Rebeiro

Committee Member

Pete Lobb

Committee Member

Gina Nairn

Committee Member

Nick Gorgievski

Committee Member

Leanne Bunter

Committee Member

Tracy Fielder

Committee Member

Cheryl Braekmans

Committee Member

May Soriente

Committee Member
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