3MSM Health Care Academy
Introduction to the new 3M™ Attest™ Tri-Metric CI for monitoring VH2O2 sterilisation processes. Results from a clinical study.
Thursday, February – 25th, 2021 6PM –7PM AEST
Join us for an online webinar with Dr Brian Kirk, Director of Brian Kirk SterilizationConsultancyGroup Ltd.
Vaporised Hydrogen Peroxide (VH2O2) has become one of the most prevalent low temperature sterilisation processes implemented in healthcare facilities today. This webinar will provide a technical interpretation of the most recent evidence
available to help improve the quality assurance of VH2O2 sterilisation processes and understand the importance of effective monitoring to maintain the patient safety.
An overview of detecting VH2O2 sterilisation failures will be discussed as well as differentiating the use and impact of chemical indicators in improving the efficiency of sterilisation quality assurance processes. This webinar will also highlight
the various cycles which may be used for sterilising single use and re-usable medical devices and an explanation of the key indications for sterilisation process, specification, validation and routine monitoring.